
Some Retro Thoughts from Co-Founder Czarzasty

I recently found Alan Czarzasty’s response to the original ‘tit Rex exploratory questionairre. For those of you who don’t know Alan: along with Todd Schrenk, he was the other guy Really into the idea of ‘tit Rex on the night of its inception. Unfortunately he is no longer on this plane of earthly existence. i hope they get blogs in the ether!

[Reproduced in its entirety. Alan in italics]

‘tit Rex Startup Primer
Should ‘tit Rex be a guerilla organization?
yes. This year.
Should ‘tit Rex seek official status?


What day/night should the parade roll?
Barkus sunday (cree’s sale…we could use it to get some publicity and a built in audience of people that would get it.maybe) Run the Friendly bar to Golden Lantern. pass cafe brazil and r bar. If the time it right we can catch the people leaving barkus.
What route should the parade take?
Uptown -a waste of electricity
Krewe de Vieux- hmmm crushed in front of apple barrel
mid-city route…right behind the hamheads on trikes
see question above

What should be the theme for 2008?
“The Little Difficult”
Will there be throws?
yes, normal and tiny
Normal throws would be easier to procure
tiny throws will be special.
Build the floats over toys that shoot things.

How many floats should the parade have?
It would depend on how many people we could round up, but as many as we can.
Should we have miniature bands, “saddle krewes,” flambeaux, dance teams, “walking krewes,” etc.?

tiny dancer..isn’t that a song?
yes. the technology exists. virational football field action.
music boxes?
i agree
we should remain realistic , but we could we have “kooks on bikes” – jesus statues riding remote motorcycles

How shall we expand membership?
sounds good to me
can we call the newcomers newbies for a while?

What should be our membership fee?
$50-100 then we work on a reality show or documentary. Don’t whore ourselves out. just show the world what is really up in the minds of the few.

Have I omitted any other important startup questions?
Lastly, although I believe it is generally agreed that the name of the World’s First Microkrewe is ‘tit Rex (thank you, Todd), of late the actual form of “‘tit” has been called into question. That is to say, Tatyana claims that the real Cajun form of the abridged “petit” is either “ti” or “tee.”
Can anyone either confirm or refute this challenge?

i can’t challenge that but no one will take us seriosly with the word “tit” in the name. The showing of tits for beads has ruined that word in this town no matter what language.
As you may have gathered, getting some of these questions set is crucial to moving forward with the projects suggested by other questions. Here is where I shall include my last question, for in the future I would like to end this document with the answer to
What shall be our krewe motto?

It’s the little things that matter.
