
What’s the big deal about the miniature ‘tit Rex Mardi Gras parade?



By Doug MacCash, | The Times-Picayune 
on February 16, 2017 at 1:15 PM, updated February 17, 2017 at 11:28 AM

'tit Rex, New Orleans' tiniest Mardi Gras parade, which rolls on Saturday (Feb. 18) at 5 in the Marigny, is trouble. For openers, how are you supposed to start a sentence, or a whole story for that matter, with an apostrophe? That's just the beginning.

'tit Rex floats are modeled on the shoe box floats that New Orleans school kids used to make, and sometimes still do. 'tit Rex floats might be little and cute, but they have smart, adult, sometimes gnarly themes.

'tit Rex was founded by a bunch of artist-types in 2009, in part as a tongue-in-cheek taunt to the big, bland superkrewes that seemed to dominate Mardi Gras at the moment. Small was subversive.

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