Galleries – 2020

"That's A Little Much..."

As the saying goes, “A little goes a long way”… until it’s A Little MUCH that is.

We turned out in force that Sunday, February 9th, 2020.  The scene was familiar – The St. Roch Fire House. The warm sun was hanging low in the sky as our intrepid krewe gathered for yet another spectacularly-weathered roll.  An eager public milled about on the neutral ground just outside, anxiously awaiting the start of ‘tit Rex 2020… it was a little much.  I mean, there were HUGE crowds.  The parade route coming off the neutral ground was barely 6 inches wide!  The press of the adoring fans was so intense we barely escaped with our dignities intact!

Well…. ok, THAT is a little much.  Actually, we escaped just fine, and went on to have another fantastic parade – beautiful weather, amazing crowds, excellent route, minus the standard horrific pothole laden streets, but what is that when we are having so much fun?

We took our time, and three glorious hours later, maybe a little less than that… two hours and forty five minutes we crept up behind the All Ways lounge to once again dance the night away to the musical stylings of DJ Sweet Tea and the merry company of our fellow krewe and hangers-on.  

With only the tiniest inkling of what was about to descend on us all in the Covid Pandemic we closed out another year and another triumph for ‘All that is small’.  2021’s parade and Mardi Gras would be cancelled as we all hunkered down with our families and loved ones, two years later only just now emerging from our shells.  We live in interesting times, but for that one afternoon and evening pre-pandemic we were on top of our tiny world, and it was glorious.